IPv6 whois lookup also tells the ASN number of the given ip address, company behind that ASN number, and the company details. It also let's you know what is the compressed version of that ipv6 address, also the expanded version too. This tool also does a reverse ipv6 lookup and tells what hostname this ipv6 address resolves to.

IPv4/IPv6 subnet calculator and addressing planner IPv4/IPv6 subnet calculator and hierarchical IPv6 addressing plan builder This is the online version of GestióIPv3's embedded subnet calculator. GestióIP is a free, web-based IP address management software. To calculate an IP address select the IP version, introduce an IP address, choose a bitmask/prefix length and click "calculate". Manual:Simple Static IPv6 Routing - MikroTik Wiki /ipv6 address add address=2001:db8:0:2::1/64 interface=ether2 advertise=yes /ipv6 route add gateway=fe80::219:d1ff:fe00:3512%ether1 Notice how link local addresses are configured as gateways. We provide directly connected neighbour routers link-local address and explicitly specify on which interface ll address is reachable.

IPv4/IPv6 subnet calculator and hierarchical IPv6 addressing plan builder This is the online version of GestióIPv3's embedded subnet calculator. GestióIP is a free, web-based IP address management software. To calculate an IP address select the IP version, introduce an IP address, choose a bitmask/prefix length and click "calculate".

Example: fe80::85d:e82c:9446:7994/120 will have an associated net/subnetmask containing 120 contiguous bits. Returns. true: If the long representation of the first IPv6/IPv4 string argument is equal to the second IPv6/IPv4 string argument. false: Otherwise. null: If conversion for one of the two IPv6/IPv4 strings wasn't successful. windows - How do I add IPv6 address into System32\drivers fe80::215:afff:fec6:ea64 realhost So that I can do: C:>ping fe80::215:afff:fec6:ea64 Reply from fe80::215:afff:fec6:ea64: time=2ms But can't go with hostname that I put in hosts: C:>ping realhost Ping request could not find host realhost. Any way to add an IPv6 address to hosts in Windows?

May 21, 2015

How to type ipv6-address and port number in URL bar Explore Our Help Articles. Dig into the knowledge base, tips and tricks, troubleshooting, and so much more. Firefox Browser; Firefox Private Network Manual:IPv6/Address - MikroTik Wiki Address prefix is always FE80::/64 and IPv6 router never forwards link-local traffic beyond the link. These addresses are comparable to the auto-configuration addresses of IPv4. A link-local address is also required for Neighbor Discovery processes. How to configure IPv6 Static Route - NetworkLessons.com R2#show ipv6 interface Serial 0/0/0 | include link-local IPv6 is enabled, link-local address is FE80::21C:F6FF:FE11:41F0 Let’s use this as the next hop address. When you use a global unicast address as the next hop, your router will be able to look at the routing table and figure out what outgoing interface to use to reach this global unicast