California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) | Compliance with

Cookie Opt-out | AdRoll If you opt-out we may collect some data about your online activity for operational purposes (such as fraud prevention) but it won't be used by us for the purpose of targeting ads to you. Our opt-out logic places a single cookie with the value "opt_out" for our systems to know that they should ignore you. Cookie Policy - Zoom Jan 01, 2020

Cookie Opt-Out Stats Revealed | Cookie Law

The NAI opt-out page is provided as a convenience to the public, but the opt-out cookie is set by participating NAI members, who are solely responsible for setting opt-out cookies and honoring your requests. Because no technology is perfect, neither NAI nor its members warrant that the opt-out tool will be error-free or always work as intended.

Jan 01, 2020

Cookie Opt-Out | Bizible This will set a cookie on your browser that will not use or store any Bizible cookies from that site. In the case that your browser cookies are reset, you will also clear the opt out cookie and Bizible will be able to place a cookie on your browser if you visit the site in the future. Opt out link generator. 1. … Opt Out | Chocolate Apr 23, 2018