International Alliance of Holistic Therapists Logo - Tappy

Be the first to recommend IAHT - International Alliance of Holistic Therapists. Ratings and reviews have changed. Now it's easier to find great businesses with recommendations. Pages Other Brand Website Health & Wellness Website IAHT - International Alliance of Holistic Therapists Reviews. IAOTH The International Association Of Therapists A professional worldwide organisation offering membership and training provider accreditation to those seeking professional recognition in their field. It was formed in recognition of the fact that as a therapist and/or a training provider, the world wide web has opened up a potential global customer Federation of Holistic Therapists Directory Service | The

Federation of Holistic Therapists Directory Service | The

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International Alliance of Holistic Therapists

Premier Association for holistic practitioners The International Association of Counselors and Therapists is a premier association for holistic practitioners that provides a forum where members may exchange ideas, information, techniques and methodologies. Establishing itself apart from the rest as a multidisciplined association, which specializes in holistic techniques. Massage stones | crystal-buddha I've just had these fab little massage/palm stones made up, I think these are a better size for doing crystal healing, and crystal massage, as they're much flatter, they're perfect to use as ground stones (obsidian) eye stones (Rose quartz/white quartz) and as massagers for the hands and arms, you could even use these for crystal facials & lymphatic drainage. They measure at 4.5x3.5cm and are International Association of Healthcare Practitioners The International Association of Healthcare Practitioners is a professional network of more than 100,000 therapists who have taken continuing-education classes from Upledger, Barral, D'Ambrogio, & …