During the verification process, we evaluate whether a facility meets criteria put forth in our Committee on Trauma’s manual, Resources for Optimal Care of the Injured Patient. Administered by the Verification, Review, and Consultation Program (VRC), the verification process is designed to help hospitals improve trauma care.
2013-6-11 · 06/5/13 1 WV Level IV Trauma Center Pre-Review Questionnaire (PRQ) Name of Facility: (As you want on your Designation Certificate): Hospital Address: City, State, Zip: I. … Trauma Center Pre-Review Questionnaire 2017-12-5 · For use with review of Level IV Trauma Center This document is a compilation of Title 22 requirements and Level IV requirement and recommendations found in the American College of Surgeon's 2014 “Orange” ACS Resources for Optimal Care of the Injured Patient. Verification, Review, and Consultation (VRC) Program During the verification process, we evaluate whether a facility meets criteria put forth in our Committee on Trauma’s manual, Resources for Optimal Care of the Injured Patient.Administered by the Verification, Review, and Consultation Program (VRC), the verification process is designed to help hospitals improve trauma … ACS Pre-review Questionnaire - ohiotraumaregistrars.org
During the verification process, we evaluate whether a facility meets criteria put forth in our Committee on Trauma’s manual, Resources for Optimal Care of the Injured Patient. Administered by the Verification, Review, and Consultation Program (VRC), the verification process is designed to help hospitals improve trauma care.
Standards and PRQ • Majority of questions YES/NO with description • In general, there is nothing on the PRQ which is not desired/required. • Tried to minimize the documentation, especially the number of uploads. • 13 tables designed to focus on the issues of importance. • We also attempted to give guidance when appropriate in the PRQ. The Arkansas Trauma System
During the verification process, we evaluate whether a facility meets criteria put forth in our Committee on Trauma’s manual, Resources for Optimal Care of the Injured Patient.Administered by the Verification, Review, and Consultation Program (VRC), the verification process is designed to help hospitals improve trauma …
Trauma Patients Universal Helmet Law 1/1/09 –4/12/12 (n=1,970) Partial Helmet Law 4/13/12 –12/31/14 (n=2,673) ICD-9 E Codes Off-Road Vehicles Excluded (n=4,643) • Coded trauma patient records for appropriate assignment of AIS, ICD-10-CM, and ICD-10-PCS codes • Report writing and report validation, including PRQ-specific reports • Coordination of