Aug 20, 2013
With PeerGuardian you can block any connections from other computers that are blocked and millions of IP’s with problems. It can be used on Linux, on Windows and on OSX and it is very efficient. If you want to download it, it’s good to know that is 100% free. PeerGuardian - Download May 30, 2012 PeerBlock Alternatives for Windows, Mac and Linux Oct 24, 2012 Block and manage IP blacklists easily with - OS X Daily Apr 16, 2010
May 30, 2012 · PeerGuardian, free download. Firewall application that can block peer-to-peer connections, governments, corporations like Microsoft and other known IP addresses from publicly available lists. Includes tests and PC download for Windows 32 and 64-bit systems.
Alternative to Peerguardian - Software Discussion Mar 14, 2010
PeerGuardian is a privacy oriented firewall application. It blocks connections to and from hosts specified in huge blocklists (thousands or millions of IP ranges). Its origin seeds in targeting aggressive IPs while you use P2P. PeerGuardian is an open project.
PeerGuardian – Wikipédia Mac OS X; Blokkolási listák. A program az Internetről letölthető és frissíthető listákat használ a jogvédő és egyéb szervezetek IP címeinek blokkolásához. Kritika. Mivel a blokkolt címek nyilvánosak, a támadók találhatnak módot arra, hogy kikerüljék a védelmet.